Upcoming events.
Women's Brunch
Held at Branches for the women! Please RSVP to Jenny :) Come in your favorite outfit!
Worship Night
Join us as we praise and worship and dive deeper into God! Share things God has spoken to you. Light refreshments at the end.
New Year's Eve Gathering
Join us as we spend time sharing, praying and prophesying into the new year! Refreshments will be provided. Stay as long as you’d like.
Youth Outing
The Branches youth will be going out for lunch and a fun time of mini golf!
Christmas Sunday
Join us for a special service to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! There will be a special performance from the little ones and a carnival for the children! Lunch fellowship following service.
Pozole Party
Enjoy a delicious bowl of pozole and have fun hanging out together! Location: Emily & Rex’s home
Operation Christmas Child
Come with your gift items to our packing party! Light refreshments will be provided.
Branches Fellowship Homecoming
This is a homecoming day for all that have considered Branches Fellowship their home at one point in their lives. No matter how short or long the stay, you are considered family! We would love for everyone to come together at our regular church service at 10:30am. Please stay for lunch so that we can catch up with one another!
If you’d like to stay for lunch, please RSVP to Michelle at meshek@aol.com so that we make sure we have enough for everyone! We really hope to see you there!
Branches Graduation Dinner
Join us in celebrating our graduates! Dinner will be held at Branches.
End of Summer Beach Day & Bonfire
Join us at the beach for a day of fun and relaxation! Location will is TBA
Father's Day Celebration
Join us for a time to worship together and to celebrate our dads. We will have a hot pot lunch fellowship following service.

Coffee + Boba Night
Enjoy boba, coffee, snacks & games with your friends and family in a fun casual atmosphere. Come dressed in Star Wars themed clothing or even a full costume!
Worship Night
Join us for a joint worship night with Catalyst Christian Community and The Light! Location: Branches Fellowship
Coffee + Boba Night
Invite friends & family for a fun and casual evening to hang out and enjoy some delicious drinks and snacks!
Youth Group
Our middle school and high schoolers will meet at the church for youth group.
Christmas Service
Our children will be presenting a creative Christmas program for everyone to enjoy! Please join us to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ!